Luther PTO Home page

  • Welcome to the Luther PTO Website

    PTO is for Parent Teacher Organization.  The Luther PTO began in January of 2001.


    The Luther PTO has been a strong backbone of Supporters for Luther Elementary School, since it's opening in the school year 2001-2002.  The PTO currently has many volunteers that participate in a wide variety of volunteer opportunities within the school. 

    PTO Meetings are usually held in the

    Luther IMC the 2nd Tuesday of every month at 6:00PM.


    We would love to have you join us and give us your thoughts and input.  That's what makes a strong PTO, getting the views and insights of many others.

    Within this website you will find what Luther PTO is all about and what we have done in the past and what we are looking to do.  Please feel free to email us at anytime, but we would rather see you at the meeting :) 

    Like us on Facebook: Luther Elementary School PTO


    We hope you will join us!

