Mr. Hansen
  • Room G229


    Phone:  (920) 563-7811, x2013

Class Schedule

  • A Day B Day
    1 - English 10 1 - Prep
    2- Prep 2 - English 11
    3 - English 10 3 - Honors 11
    5 - Creative Writing 5 - Honors 11

Please note that all assignments are listed in Google Classroom.



Degrees and Certifications:

Dan Hansen

This is my 16th year teaching high school English and my fourth at Fort Atkinson.  Throughout my career, I've taught nearly every grade level at every level.  Right now, I teach Honors and Regular English 11, English 10, and Creative Writing.  At the high school, I also serve as the head Debate Coach and Forensics Coach.  


When I'm not teaching or coaching, I also work on teacher professional development materials with my wife as "The Poetry Professors" (  We are dedicated to helping teachers teach poetry better.  I also enjoy going to the theater, watching family-friendly competition shows with my wife and kids, and reading and writing poetry.