Classroom News

  • What is Reading Recovery?


    • Reading Recovery is a research-based, short-term intervention of   one-to-one teaching for the lowest-achieving first graders.reading1
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    •  Reading Recovery students receive 30-minute lessons each school day for 12 to 20 weeks from a specially trained teacher.


    •  As soon as students can read and write at grade level and demonstrate that they can continue to achieve, their lessons are discontinued and new students receive individual instruction.
    What does a Reading Recovery lesson look like?

    Each lesson consists of:


    •    re-reading familiar stories
    •    reading a story that was read for the first time the day before,
    •    working with letters and words using magnetic letters,
    •    writing a story,
    •    assembling a cut-up story, and
    •    reading a new book.
    •     The teacher teaches, demonstrates problem-solving strategies, and provides just enough support to help the child develop effective reading and writing strategies and work as independently as possible.
    Why Reading Recovery?
     Since 1984 when Reading Recovery began in the United States, about 75% of students with a full series of lessons met the criteria for successful first-grade reading and writing.
    Numerous studies have examined the effectiveness of Reading Recovery for children with reading difficulties.
    A key idea of Reading Recovery is that early intervention in first grade is critical. Research shows that children who fall behind in Grade 1 tend to remain below grade level in later school years.