Student of the Week

  • This year we will be honoring each student as "Student of the Week."  Each child will have a turn and be randomly selected the week prior.  As student of the week, your child will have the opportunity to bring in show and tell items, be first in line, and be able to bring in a throw pillow (no sleeping allowed:).  They will also be able to bring in items such as stuffed animals, family photo's, pets (please arrange ahead of time with me), and other items they deem important.  In order to be fair to all students I will not be allowing birthday treats this year, however, as Student of the Week;  your child may bring in a healthy treat during their special week.  (This is for equity reasons such as religious and/or summer birthdays)

    As many of you know, some children have allergies to peanuts and all peanut products.  In addition, we may have children with insulin dependent diabetes.  I hope you can help me in keeping the dietary needs of all children in mind and keep our class healthy.  I hope that you might consider some snack alternatives for Student of the Week treats and party treats.  I appreciate your help and understanding.

    Some Treat Suggestions:

    1. Popcorn-plain, butter or cheese
    2. Pretzels
    3. Raisins
    4. Crackers with Cheese
    5. Animal Crackers (unfrosted)
    6. Snack chips, all varieties-Cheeze Nips, Ritz crackers, WOW or baked chips
    7. Sugar Free jello or pudding
    8. All types of fresh fruits or vegetables
    9. Sugar free drinks
    10. Cheese