- Purdy Elementary
- PBIS Behavior Matrix
PBIS Behavior Matrix
The Three
I will be respectful.
Voice level 0-4
Take turns
Use kind words
Follow directions given by adults
Include others
Be truthful
Voice level 0-2
Use of good manners
Follow directions given by adults
Be truthful
Voice level 0 when classes are in session
Stay in your personal space
Follow directions given by adults
Be truthful
Voice level 0-1
Honor Privacy
Keep it clean
Wait your turn
Be truthful
Voice level 0-3
Take care of supplies
Treat others with kindness
Be a good listener
Follow directions given by adults
Follow room rules
Be truthful
Voice level 0-4
Enter and leave at voice level 0
Keep eyes on presenter
Follow directions given by adults
Be a good listener
Stay in your
personal space
Be truthful
Voice level 0-2
Use kind words
Follow directions given by bus driver and adults
Stay in your personal space
Respect all property
Be truthful
I will be responsible.
Listen for playground signal
Line up at signal
Follow rules
Return equipment
Stay in line order
Throw away trash
Keep area clean
Eat your own lunch
Keep things on coat hooks and in cubbies
Keep your cubby area clean
Go directly to destination
Flush toilet
Use time wisely
Report problems
Keep school supplies out of restroom
Take care of yourself
Put materials away
Keep your space and common space organized
Be ready to learn
Sit with seat on floor with legs crossed
Be ready to participate
Be a good audience
Take your belongings
Wait for directions
Keep area clean
Eat and drink when off the bus
I will be safe.
Follow playground rules
Play correctly on equipment
Keep hands and feet to self
Dress correctly for the weather
Stay in order
Remain seated
Stay in seat until dismissed
Keep hands and feet to self
Walk facing forward
Keep hands and feet to yourself
Keep to the right and single file
Wash hands
Place paper towels in the garbage when done
Keep water in sink
Keep hands and feet to self
Keep four on the floor
Use supplies and equipment correctly
Keep walkways clear
Keep hands and
feet to self
Sit and stay in seat
Keep entire body inside bus
Keep hands and feet to self