Hello FAHS Families and Students!
We hope this communication finds you well and enjoying many fun summer adventures! Your FAHS staff is busy getting ready for the start of the year and look forward to your return! Below is some information we hope you find helpful as you start thinking ahead to the 2024-2025 school year, and a special welcome to our incoming Freshmen (the class of 2028) and new students to Fort Atkinson High School!
Student Schedules
Later this summer, your student will be able to access their schedule in PowerSchool, which will list the classes your student is enrolled for the 2024-25 school year. Schedules will be available once Summer School is complete and we are able to roll the system over for the new school year. We will send another communication when this is available.
School Supply List
We have put together a basic school supply list for students and families in order to maximize summer sales. Please know that students with “specialty classes” may be asked to provide some additional supplies once they meet with their teachers the first week of school.
Fort Atkinson High School Student Supply List (English)
Fort Atkinson High School Student Supply List (spanish)
Registration - July 15th-July 19th
Registration for the 2024-2025 school year will open on July 15th and run through July 19th. ALL families must register their student(s) each year. You can find more information about this on our SDFA Registration Webpage.
FAHS Back to School Kick Off - September 3rd - Save the Date!
We are thrilled to offer our Annual Back to School on Tuesday, September 3rd 5:00-6:30pm (open house style) at Fort Atkinson High School. This event allows us to connect with students and families prior to the year starting.
During this time, you will be able to accomplish the following things:
You and your child(ren) will be able to walk their class schedule that evening (found on PowerSchool)
Teachers will be available for a quick hello and introduction before the first day of school.
Club tables/information will be available in the Commons/Lunch Room for your child(ren) to learn more, sign up or just share a potential interest in specific clubs.
A Main Office table will be available to pick up your locks, parking permits (as needed), pay registration fees and any other beginning of year tasks we can help with.
FOOD TRUCKS will be available for your family to purchase dinner together as a fun way to socialize before school starts.
We look forward to seeing you all and launching a successful start to the school year!
High School Policy | Procedures
During registration, you will be asked to review the district and high school policy and procedures. A few new and/or important ones to bring forward are below:
Attendance - DPI state statute allows students 10 absences each school year (5 per semester). These include student absences due to illness, vacation days, appointments, etc. and all count toward the 10 allowable absences. Absences beyond 10 may result in a student being flagged for habitual truancy.
Tardy Unexcused - Being late to class causes a disruption to learning of the individual student as well as the group that has already begun the lesson. Students are expected to be in class on time. Students that miss more than 15 min of class, study hall or flex period will now be considered “absent” and marked as such. Each time a student reaches a threshold of 10 TUN, they will be considered a full day absence for the quarter for that particular class, unless time is made up during Academic Flex Time.
Electronic Communication Devices - Cell Phones, headphones (i.e. airpods/earbuds) and other electronic communication devices are to be used only during passing time, and lunch time. Devices may not be used during learning time unless an exception has been made by the classroom teacher. Every classroom and study hall will have one of two options for safely storing your device.
NOTE: use of prohibited electronic devices continues to be a huge disruption to learning when students refuse to put them away during learning. We are proactively asking families for support and cooperation in addressing this issue as it arises in class. Please be sure to review the complete policy on this in the family/student handbook.
Dress Code - Students are expected to dress appropriately in a school setting and not disrupt the learning environment. The district prohibits students from wearing any clothing which is normally identified with antisocial behavior, gang affiliated and clothing that contains pictures and/or writing referring to alcoholic beverages, tobacco products, sex, profanity, violence and/or illegal drugs. Additionally, clothing that exposes cleavage, private parts, the midriff or undergarments or that is otherwise sexually suggestive is prohibited.
Tobacco, Alcohol, Drugs - Any type of tobacco|nicotine (including vape and vape products), alcohol, drugs, and/or paraphernalia of any kind will not be tolerated on campus or at high school activities. Students found in possession / in violation of this policy will be referred to the police for further action.
The FAHS staff is committed to supporting each and every learning at our high school and helping them be as successful as possible. Please make those strong connections with your staff and reach out as needed! Continue to enjoy these beautiful days of summer and know that we are looking forward to a great year ahead! Take care and we’ll see you soon!
Mrs. Leigh Ann Scheuerell, Principal
Mr. Adam Rousseau, Associate Principal
Mrs. Laura Krause-Emerick, Associate Principal
Upcoming Events
7:30 AM - 3:00 PM Students No School/Staff Records Day
5:45 PM - 9:15 PM JV2/JV/V Boys Basketball vs. Watertown
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