872 Complaints About School District Employees




    872         -     Complaints About School District Employees


                         The School District of Fort Atkinson takes very seriously complaints against District employees and desires that the complaint be resolved in a timely manner. Complainants for purposes of this policy shall be defined as students, parents, residents of the District, or members of the public at-large.


                         Members of the Board of Education shall refer persons making complaints about District employees to the appropriate supervisor. At that point, the policy and appropriate rules and regulations will be followed.


                         When a complaint is made, the complainant is encouraged to meet with the employee involved to resolve the concern.


                         In the event the complainant does not desire a face-to-face meeting or a solution cannot be reached, a written complaint should be filed with the immediate supervisor of the employee. The written complaint should include the outcome/solution desired. A copy of the written complaint will be given to the employee. 


                         If the decision of the immediate supervisor is not accepted by the complainant, the appeal will follow the chain of supervision within the School District.


                         In the event that the complaint is not resolved, the Board of Education shall hear the complaint after the final appeal is filed in writing. The decision of the Board of Education shall be final.


                         Cross Ref.:    Formal Complaint Form (AR 411.1)


                         Approved:      July 28, 1997