Exhibit 881.1 - Application For Official Sanction Of School Support Organization/Booster Club

  • Board Policy 881.1-Exhibit


    SCHOOL YEAR:_______________________


    ORGANIZATION NAME:_____________________________________________________________





    The organization and its’ officers as listed below, do hereby agree to the following terms and conditions:


    1.        The organization’s activities shall not interfere with school operations and the process of education.

    2.        The organization agrees to abide by all School District of Fort Atkinson policies and any guidelines that are established under these policies. All district policies may be found on the district website at: www.fortschools.org and guidelines may be found in school handbooks. Should a question arise regarding a policy, guideline or procedure, the organization shall inquire with the district liaison as to the proper direction to follow.

    3.        The organization agrees to follow all policies and procedures as they relate to the use of school district facilities.

    4.        The organization shall be considered a separate legal entity from the school district and shall not use the district’s tax exemption number and/or federal tax ID number in any financial transactions of the organization. The organization is encouraged to pursue organization under Sec. 501(c) of the Internal Revenue Code or its corresponding future provisions.

    5.        The organization’s official Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws shall be filed with the District Administrator or designee. Modifications will be submitted as soon as possible after they are adopted by the organization.

    6.        A district liaison has been determined and is included in the Bylaws.

    7.        The organization agrees to follow Wisconsin Interscholastic Athletic Association (WIAA), Wisconsin School Music Association (WSMA), or any other applicable organization’s rules and regulations that determines the eligibility of student participants.

    8.        The organization agrees to submit an annual financial report, as well as an internal audit report, that accurately represents revenue and expenditures on a yearly basis to the District Administrator or designee. It is understood that the financial operations of the organization are the sole responsibility of the organization.

    9.        No district employee shall be listed as an authorized signer on the organization’s bank account(s).

    10.     The organization agrees to submit, for informational purposes, a report which will include fundraising plans and club officers for the upcoming school year by September 1 each year.

    11.     The organization agrees that liability insurance is the responsibility of the organization, not the district. If the organization obtains insurance, a certificate of insurance will be provided to the school district annually with renewal and any notice of cancellations or changes in coverage.

    12.     The organization agrees that any claims that may arise as a result of the actions of the organization are solely the responsibility of the organization, and agrees to hold the district harmless.

    13.     The organization agrees that it cannot require a student/organization member to participate in fundraising, nor require that a certain amount be raised or sold per person.

    14.     The organization agrees that all personnel issues, including the direction of the coach/liaison from the school, is the sole responsibility of the school district. The organization has no authority to direct or influence district employees in the performance of their duties.

    15.     The organization agrees that it will not be involved in scheduling contests, developing or influencing rules of participation by students, or engaging in policy-making activities for a student group or school program.

    16.     The organization agrees that it will not give anything of value to students, including awards, without approval by the District Administrator or designee.

    17.     The organization agrees that it will not give anything of value to a school district employee. District employees may not receive compensation of any kind for their assigned activities other than that provided by the school district. Gifts to district employees may only be of minimal value (e.g. plaques, t-shirts, etc.)



    Support Organizations/Booster Clubs should be provided a copy of this information annually by the District Administrator or designee and acknowledge its receipt by affixing their signatures below.


    The following are officers of the above named organization and do hereby represent agreement in full of the above terms and conditions for the entire organization:


                 Printed Name & Office Held                                                             Signature                       Date


    _________________________________________                ________________________        _____________


    _________________________________________                ________________________        _____________


    _________________________________________                ________________________        _____________


    _________________________________________                ________________________        _____________


    _________________________________________                ________________________        _____________


    _________________________________________                ________________________        _____________




    Designated District Liaison for Organization Names Above: ___________________________________


    Text Box: Please Attach the Following Items:
  ____  Prior Year’s Annual Financial Report
  ____  Prior Year’s Internal Audit Report
  ____  Upcoming Year’s Fundraising Plans
  ____  Articles of Incorporation (if changes were made)
  ____  Bylaws (if changes were made)
  ____  Certificate of Liability Insurance (optional)

    Approval of District Administrator or Designee:







    Printed Name


