881.2 Relations with Parent-Teacher Organizations

  • BOARD POLICY 881.2



    881.2      -        Relations with Parent-Teacher Organizations


    Parent-Teacher Organizations, hereinafter referred to as organization(s), must be officially recognized by the district in order for the organization to raise funds, donate equipment and provide other support to the district’s programs and students. The district liaison to the organization shall be the building principal. The building principal shall make a determination on whether an organization is officially sanctioned by the district using the following criteria:


    1.       The organization’s official Bylaws and operating procedures are filed with the building principal.

    2.       The organization has shown its agreement to all of the terms and conditions contained in 881.2-Exhibit: Application for Official Sanction of Parent-Teacher Organizations by completing, signing and filing it with the building principal on an annual basis.


    Upon receiving official determination by the building principal, the organization may use the district’s or school’s name, mascot and other symbols.


    The building principal will be responsible for informing officially sanctioned organizations of applicable school district policies, guidelines, and procedures on an annual basis. The organization’s approval by signature of 881.2-Exhibit: Application for Official Sanction of School Parent-Teacher Organizations shall fulfill this notification requirement.


    The Board of Education specifically empowers the District Administrator to remove the officially sanctioned designation from an organization if the organization violates any rule, regulation or policy of the district or other governing body or if the organization does not operate in a manner consistent with public expectations for schools.


    Legal Ref.:        Section 118.12, 118.27, Wisconsin Statutes


    Cross Ref.:       Board Policy 374 – Student Fund-Raising Activities

                            Board Policy 375 – Contests for Students

                            Board Policy 665 – Fraud Prevention and Reporting

                            Board Policy 840 – Gifts to the School District

    Board Policy 881 – Relations with Community Organizations

    Board Policy 881.2-Exhibit: Application for Official Sanction of Parent-Teacher Organizations


    Approved:         December 17, 2009


    Revised:            March 18, 2010