881.3 Relations with Religious Organizations

  • BOARD POLICY 881.3



    881.3      -        Relations with Religious Organizations


    The Board of Education recognizes that families and local religious organizations are important partners in the development of the district’s students and presenting a well-rounded individual to the greater society. Every effort shall be made to schedule school activities so that they will not conflict with religious services and activities.


    School activities, including co-curricular activities and interscholastic practice sessions and games, will take place under the following conditions:


    1.       All activities conducted at the high school on Wednesdays must end by 6:00 p.m.

    2.       All activities conducted at the middle or elementary schools on Wednesdays must end by 5:30 p.m.

    3.       There will be no school events on Sunday mornings.


    The only exception to the above outlined restrictions shall be in the event it is necessary to schedule make-up events. It is encouraged that all dates and times other than those listed above be considered prior to using these specified times. Any exception exercised under this paragraph must receive prior approval of the District Administrator or designee.


    Cross Ref.:       Board Policy 881 – Relations with Community Organizations


    Approved:         December 17, 2009