Other Initiatives

  • High School Management

    The High School (our largest school) will be reviewed for energy usage and the heating, cooling and lighting systems and will be fine-tuned to reduce energy waste.


    Exterior Doors

    Since 2008, the district is weather-proofing all exterior doors to prevent outside air infiltrating into the buildings


    Energy Management Systems

    Since 2008, all energy use in schools will be continuously monitored through existing computerized energy management systems.


    Photovoltaic Solar Panels

    Photo-voltaic solar panels were installed at Purdy School in 2009. Again with incentives provided by Focus on Energy and WE Energies for these installations.


    Conservation efforts

    As our knowledge base builds, we continue to look for ways to reduce, reuse, and recycle materials with less reliance on plastics and environmentally dangerous materials.


    Co-mingled recyclables

    In 2010, processes were put in place to co-mingle recyclables with student leadership and involvement at the core of our efforts.  This was done throughout the District and especially at the High School.



    In the 2010-2011 School Year, all schools changed from using plastic utensils to silverware.


    Reduced printing

    In the 2010-2011 School Year, Rhyme Multi Function Devices were purchased.  This was an effort to reduce paper waste.


    Timed/motion lighting

    Mr. Kuchenmeister, Director of Building and Grounds, has installed Timed/Motion lighting sensors throughout the District, thus saving energy.


    Hot water heaters

    Replacing District water heaters with smaller, more efficient units began in 2008.