- Barrie Elementary
- Mrs. Barels Blog
- Thoughts from Mrs. Barels
Thoughts from Mrs. Barels
Too Long!
Posted by on 3/6/2013 11:18:00 AMWow! It has been way too long since I have blogged! So sorry my Barrie Broncos! Once again, I have to say that I am the luckiest Librarian/Media Specialist/Technology Integrater/whatever you want to call me! I have the best students who love to learn, the best teachers who work with me to provide integrated media/technology lessons, the best aide/friend in Ms. Mehring, staff and Principal.
Congratulations to all of you who participated in the Six Flags Six Hour Reading Club. We had over 60 students go the extra mile and read their hearts out to earn a free ticket to Great America for this upcoming summer! What a wonderful accomplishment! Tickets will be handed out the last week of school.
It is Read Across America, the annual celebration of one of our most beloved children's authors, Dr. Seuss. I discovered from reading his autobiography on www.seussville.com that the actual pronounciation of Seuss is "Zoice" (rhymes with "voice"). What a fun fact that I didn't previously know! Check out the website for lots of rhyming fun!
Posted by on 5/13/2010 5:03:00 PM -
TV Turnoff Week
Posted by on 4/29/2010 12:55:00 PMOver 80 Barrie Broncos participated in TV Turnoff Week, April 19th-25th! I am so proud of them! We took a group picture today that I will be sending in to the paper, and they each got to choose a book for their efforts. Many common activities I saw written on log sheets were: spending time with family, playing with siblings and friends, reading, art projects, biking, and cleaning.
I wish I could say that I took part in this week, but unfortunately a video series I was waiting for came in for me from the public library. How often can one say that library materials caused them to watch tv! My children have been watching less and less tv however, which has been wonderful! We are spending so much time outside reconnecting with neighbors, blowing bubbles, and checking our bird nests. My daughter created a wonderful fort in our living room and has been reading to and playing with her little brother. There are some wonderfully entertaining and educational shows on tv, but this week is always a good reminder that there are also other ways to spend our down time.
So Excited!!!
Posted by on 4/23/2010 3:35:00 PMThis week I introduced the Barrie IMC webpage to my students. They loved it! They were opening up the different wepages, trying links, watching slide shows, and offering suggestions. I even had 3 responses to this blog! I am so excited that they are excited and hope that it is something that they use for learning and fun. -
Posted by on 4/8/2010 4:56:00 PMThanks to my wonderful fellow LMS Mrs.Horwath and my awesome aide Ms. Mehring, I was introduced to the wonderful world of Goodreads.com. I have already won a book and am enjoying seeing what my friends are inspired to read. My bookshelf contains a mix of what I am reading for pleasure and that which I read for my occupation, which fortunately also falls under that of reading for pleasure. How lucky I am to have reading for homework! -
My school
Posted by on 4/8/2010 4:32:00 PMPosting my thoughts and ideas about topics is not an area in which I am super comfortable, so I thought I'd start with something easy - my feelings.
I am so grateful to be teaching at Barrie School. We have a super supportive staff, fabulous students who embrace reading and learning information technology skills, and involved parents who care so much about their children's education. I love nothing more than helping someone learn, find a new interest, learn a new skill, or lending an ear. My library helpers are the joy of my day, what a bunch of super kids! They are not fond of straightening shelves, but give them a scanner or let them help with the reading program and watch out! Seeing them change from cute little kindergartners to "big kids" with goals and plans for their lives is just amazing. As we enter our last quarter, I look forward to the last little bit of time I have with my students, the projects we have yet to finish, and all the reading left to do!