Fort Atkinson FFA Parliamentarian

  • Name: Kourtney Huppert

    Grade: 12th 

    Previous Offices Held: None

    Birthday: November 24th

    Favorite Animal: Beluga Whale

    Favorite Ice Cream: Superman

    Favorite Movie: Pitch Perfect and Mean Girls

    Favorite Snack Food: Popcorn

    Celebrity Crush: Thomas Rhett and Dylan Schneider

    Favorite Sport: Bowling

    Favorite Team: Badgers

    Favorite Player: Aaron Rodgers

    Favorite Color: Teal

    Future Plans: Attend Loras College Majoring in Media Studies

Kourtney Huppert
  • Duties of the Parliamentarian

    1. Be proficient with parliamentary procedure 
    2. Rule on all questions of parliamentary conduct at chapter meetings 
    3. Serve as participant or an ex-officio member of the parliamentary procedure team 
    4. Conduct parliamentary procedure workships at the chapter level 
    5. Chair or serce an as ex-officio (non-voting) member on the conduct of meetings committee
    6. Maintain Chapter Website