- High School
- FAHS Pick-Up and Drop-Off
Dear Fort Atkinson High School Parents/Guardians,
By now, you should have received communications from our district office, along with our most recent FAHS bulletin sent home, regarding changes to the school district bussing transfer point location. Beginning the first day of school this year, the high school will be assuming this new role from its current location at the middle school, both before and after school. Through this process, there will be three distinct lanes created and utilized. The graphic below outlines specifics pertaining to the main portion of the “loop” directly in front of the building. Please make note that with the three lanes created:
1. The lane closest to the high school is designated for bus drop off and as a fire lane ONLY both before and after school. After school, the entire lane from the entry into the “loop”, to the exit onto the main exit drive, will be closed every school day to provide a safe, isolated environment for all age groupings of students to transfer and board buses. Please do not park in this lane or pick up/drop off your student there at any time as it also provides access to the building for emergency personnel as the fire lane. There will be a blockade and cones placed there to distinguish it from lanes of motion.
2. The middle lane is designated as a drive lane with traffic flowing at a safe rate constantly both before and after school.
3. The lane farthest from the building in the loop is designated as student drop-off and pick-up points. We ask that parking in this lane be limited to no longer than 15 minutes at any time. If your visit to the high school requires more time than this, please park in visitor parking in the front parking lot. Please note, this is only one location for student pick up and drop off. As we did last school year, we greatly encourage those picking up and dropping off students before and after school to feel free to utilize any of the other open entrances of the athletic and green halls for their students to enter and exit the building. If you remain in your vehicle, you may also utilize parking stalls in any of the high school's parking lots to do so.
Along with the main “loop” changes this year, it is also important to remind those picking up and dropping off students before and after school that parking along the main entrance drive will not be permitted. Because of the traffic safety concerns this creates, whether present in the vehicle or not, those found parking along the drive will be subject to parking violation citations from the Fort Atkinson Police Department.
I would like to thank all of you for your patience and assistance as we implement these changes this year and possible modifications moving forward. We anticipate and strive for a much safer, structured process due to the larger amount of space available at the high school for all of our district’s students.