Phone: 920-563-7833 x7106


Degrees and Certifications:

Mrs. Steed

Welcome to my web page!   My name is Mrs. Steed, and I am one of two sixth grade special education teachers here at FAMS.  This will be my seventh year teaching at FAMS, and I feel blessed to be part of this amazing learning community.   Prior to joining the staff at FAMS, I taught one year at Rockwell Elementary and 24 years in the School District of Beloit.  I have served students grades k-7 over the years but have found my heart  belongs to middle school.  

This year I will be teaching math the majority of my day.  I will co-teach a math block with Mrs. Schreiner and teach an additional small group 6th grade math block.  Co-teaching pairs two teachers together which allows for more individual/small group attention and support.    Eighth period each day, I will have guided practice groups.  During guided practice, we will work on social skills,  study skills and organization.  Students will have the opportunity to work on assignments with support and/or have concepts retaught as needed. 

One key to success at the middle school level is communication between home and school.  Please feel free to call or email any questions or concerns you may have during the school year.  I would be happy to talk or meet with you.   Sixth grade is a BIG year of growth and adjustment for your child.  I am confident that working together we can provide a strong support system with consistent expectations. 

I look forward to an exciting year of learning with your child and working with you as parents.  MANY THANKS in advance for your support of education and your child!