• Welcome to Rockwell Elementary School, the Home of the Roadrunners!  

    My name is Ms. Jennifer Walden and I am honored to be the Principal of this incredible school.  The 2023-2024 school year will begin my tenth year in this position and I truly can say, from the bottom of my heart, that our high performing staff continues to exceed my expectations each and every year.  Being a mother of a seventh grade son and a third grade daughter, who lives in this community, I take this position extremely seriously, as I am a part of the team providing a high quality of educational experience not only to your children but to mine as well. 

     As you get to know our staff, you will find that many of them have children who are currently in the district, in our building or alum of this high performing district.  We look forward to getting to know you and your family throughout your years with us at Rockwell, as well as watching your child grow as a learner and a person. Thank you for putting your trust in us to be a part of this important partnership.

    Best wishes for an amazing school year!
    Ms. Jennifer Walden
  • IW