• Mr. Justin Steger

    Room:  M122

    Email:  stegerj@fortschools.org

    Phone:  (920) 563-7811, x1120


Justin Steger
  • Mr. Steger teaches high school band at Fort Atkinson High School.  Currently seven years into his teaching career, Mr. Steger has become a part of a terrific musical staff and community. He teaches two Concert Bands, two Jazz Bands, and Intro to Guitar.

    He grew up playing the saxophone and his love for saxophone and teaching led him to the University of Wisconsin – Whitewater where he received a Bachelor's in Music and a Jazz Certificate. His pre-teaching life was capped off by earning the Richard G Gaarder award from the Wisconsin Music Education Association. On top of teaching, Justin is the School District of Fort Atkinson K-12 Music PLC Success team lead and he serves the Wisconsin Music Education Association as part of its state advocacy committee. Mr. Steger strongly believes that on top of being a music educator, a music teacher’s other role is to teach students how to live a more humanistic life.

  • Schedule

    1st - Symphonic Band

    2nd - Wind Ensemble

    3rd - Prep

    4th - Independent Study/Lessons

    5th - Intro To Guitar

    6th - Jazz Messengers

    7th - Jazz Ambassadors