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2024-2025 Communications
02.04.2025 2025-2026 Course Selection Night Feb 5th
MANY thanks to all the families and students that showed up for 2025-2026 Course Selection Night last night! We were thrilled to see almost half of next year's student body represented!
If you were not able to attend, we look forward to seeing you tomorrow, Wednesday, February 5th between 3:30-6:00 in the gymnasium.
There will be a folder of information waiting for you when you arrive. Please be sure students bring their school issued Chromebooks to use for signing up for classes. NOTE: freshmen meetings will be held in the auditorium at 3:45 and 4:30. These are very beneficial, especially if this is the first student in your family to attend the Fort Atkinson High School.
Again, our staff will be present and willing to assist you! We look forward to seeing you soon!
Mrs. Leigh Ann Scheuerell, FAHS Principal
02.03.2025 Course Selection Nights |Feb 3 and Feb 5
Hello FAHS Families and Students,
Just a reminder that we have Course Selection coming up for the 2025-2026. You must attend one of the following options to select your courses for next year:
- Monday, February 3rd from 4:00-7:00.
- Wednesday, February 5th from 3:30-6:00.
The high school counselors will be available in the Commons of the high school to help answer any questions you may have.Please be sure your student brings their school issued Chromebook to this event. They will use this to sign up for classes.Again, as a reference, you can find a link to our 2025-2026 Course Selection list below:We look forward to seeing you all soon!Mrs. Scheuerell - FAHS Principal -
01.31.2025 2025 February Family Blackhawk Bulletin
Hello FAHS Students and Families!
Another month gone...
Please enjoy the February Family Blackhawk Bulletin!
2025 Family Blackhawk Bulletin (english)
2025 Family Blackhawk Bulletin (spanish)
Lots of great information about upcoming events (Course Selection, Conferences, etc.) and details on our state testing just around the corner.
Look forward to seeing you soon!
01.30.2025 School Newspaper (The Signal - New Year Edition)
Please enjoy this edition of the school newspaper: Signal, The New Year Edition!
Many thanks to the staff and students of our paper for all their great work!
01.29.2025 State Testing Support Sessions!
Hello FAHS Families and Students,
FAHS is committed to helping students do their very best on state requried standardized tests and supporting them with resources and information to make sure they are as comfortable and ready as possible. Our team has put together a couple sessions for your student so they are well prepared on their testing date coming up in March. Below you will find a list of dates that will be necessary for you to add to your calendar. In addition, we ask that you refrain from any appointments or absences on these review and testing dates. (NOTE: Seniors have no state testing requirements and do not need to attend these sessions.)
Registration | Info Sessions - these sessions will take place during Academic Flex Time in the IMC. Registration | Info Sessions will help students understand how to navigate the test, rent a calculator if needed and clear|set their school issued Chromebook for optimal performance during the assessment.
NOTE : Students MUST bring their fully charged Chromebook to these sessions and they must use their school issued Chromebook for the state assessment due to a secure browser that is installed on these devices.
February 5th - Juniors Last Names A-L
February 6th - Juniors Last Names M-Z
February 7th - Sophomores Last Names A-L
February 11th - Sophomores Last Names M-Z
February 12th - Freshmen Last Names A-K
February 13th - Freshmen Last Names L-Z
Success Sessions - these sessions will take place on February 18th and 19th during their regularly scheduled math class and will be held in the IMC. Success Sessions will prepare students for the actual assessment by providing additional resources and testwise strategies for them to perform and score at their best ability. Students will attend only one of these two dates.
NOTE: Students MUST bring their fully charged Chromebook to these Success Sessions! Students should also bring their fall Practice ACT Score sheet (but you can also find this in your Google Homeroom classroom if you filled it out in a previous Homeroom time.)
JEDI students - you are welcome and encouraged to attend any of the following sessions that work best for your schedule. AFT runs from 9:38-10:08 and you can choose one of the Success Session dates that works for you. Math classes run on this bell schedule. Please email me at scheuerelll@fortschools.org so I know what day to expect you.
As a reminder, the spring ACT Dates this year are as follows (please save these dates on your calendar!):
- Juniors - Tuesday, March 18th (schedule to follow soon). Freshmen, Sophomores and Seniors will have an alternate virtual learning day from home.
- Freshmen and Sophomores - Wednesday, March 19th (schedule to follow soon). Juniors and Seniors will have an alternate virtual learning day from home.
- Sophomores also have the Social Studies Forward Exam the afternoon of March 19th.
- Breakfast and lunch will be served on these dates.
- Buses run as normal on testing dates, so those riding the bus can wait in the Commons for their ride at the end of the normal school day or you can make alternative arrangements to get home for the day. In general, most students will be done by 12:00-12:30.
Mrs. Leigh Ann Scheuerell , FAHS Principal
01.27.2025 LAST CALL for Ordering a Yearbook
Dear FAHS Students and Guardians,
A reminder that there is still time to order a 2024-2025 school yearbook if you have not yet done so!
To buy your copy , order online at yearbookforever.com
The cost is $60 and the final deadline for yearbook orders is January 30.
Please note the yearbook is sold separately from the school photo package!
Don’t miss out on owning this keepsake full of unforgettable moments! If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to Ashlyn Minks, Yearbook Advisor. minksa@fortschools.
org Thank you!
Ashlyn Minks / Andy Tubbs, Tchogeerrah Advisors -
01.22.2025 Semester 1 | Quarter 2 grades
Good morning FAHS Students and Families,
We hope you all stayed safe and warm yesterday!
We wanted you to know that grades for Semester 1 | Quarter 2 will be available to view in PowerSchool by the end of the day today. The main office will also be sending home a hard copy of the report card in the mail this week.
Take care,
Mrs. Scheuerell, FAHS Principal
01.07.2025 End of Semester 1 SOON!
Hello FAHS Students and Families,
It's hard to believe that the end of Semester 1 is right around the corner. This is your friendly Principal reminder to please make sure you have all your assignments, test and projects turned in on time. Semester 1 brings us a very "hard deadline" since many classes shift for the second half of the year.
Remember, a failing grade complicates all classes moving forward. You have put the time into your classes, so make it count!
Students, use your daily Academic Flex Time wisely and sign up with teachers you need the support in. They are here to help you!
Families, you've been getting a new weekly progress report of grades. Please review this with your student and help make sure they are on track and proud of all they have completed.
If you have questions about your grades, please reach out to your individual teachers. End of Q2|Semester 1 is next Thursday, January 16th. Friday is no school for students and teachers will be completing report cards.
You've got this and we believe in you! Finish out Semester 1 STRONG!
Mrs. Scheuerell, FAHS Principal
01.06.2025 Visitors to FAHS!
email header
Hello FAHS Students, Families and Staff,We are excited to let you know that tomorrow morning, January 7th, from 8:00-10:30 we will be welcoming the community's 8th grade students for a first ever 8th Grade Transition Day.
8th Graders will be arriving about 8:00 to meet in the auditorium and then will be touring the HS in small groups with Link Leaders and other adults. They will get a chance to learn about all the areas and programming FAHS has to offer as they look forward to their first high school course selection night!
I ask that you help me welcome next year's incoming freshmen with your great FAHS kind and respectful ways and answer any questions they may have for you while on their tours.
Thanks in advance for your help in showing what a great place FAHS is to be!
Mrs. Scheuerell, FAHS Principal
12.23.2024 2025 January Family Blackhawk Bulletin
Hello FAHS Families and Students,
Please enjoy this month's Family Blackhawk Bulletin full of important information and events!
Stay well!
Mrs. Scheuerell, FAHS Principal
12.19.2024 FAHS Newspaper - The Signal - Winter Edition 2024
Hello FAHS Students, Staff and Families,
Please enjoy the Winter Edition of our School Newspaper, The Signal, below. Our students worked hard as journalists and creators to share with you what's on teen minds. Enjoy!
12.16.2024 Red Cross Blood Drive - December 27th
Hello FAHS Families,The Dwight Foster Public Library is hosting their annual blood drive with the Red Cross on Friday, December 27th. There will be donation slots available from 9:30 AM to 2:30 PM. This is the perfect opportunity for families to get involved with their community, and support the Red Cross during the national blood shortage.Anyone over the age of 16 is eligible to donate without consent, however, if you are 16 years of age you are required to have parental consent (the form is attached below).We appreciate your commitment to the community during the holidays, and hope to see you there! -
12.06.2024 Fall PreACT Scores are IN! (FAMILIES)
Dear FAHS Families,
On Monday, December 9th, your child will receive a copy of their fall Practice ACT scores during Homeroom. Please ask them to share this with you as it will be a very thorough document, giving specific information about their score, question analysis for each specific question and next goals your child should work on.
The Practice ACT is one measure of a student’s academic progress and gives our teachers a lot of information about what students next need in their learning sequence and helps them practice this type of standardized assessment
A couple things to keep in mind as you review this information:
- Discuss with your child if they did their very best on the assessment
- This tool is simply informational and meant to guide teacher instruction specific to your student.
- The Practice ACT is truly a practice to help them prepare for the Pre-ACT Secure (grades 9 and 10) or ACT (grade 11) they will take in spring and which is what is used to calculate our state school report card
Things you can do to support:
- Connect with your child’s individual teachers to discuss your child’s current success and level of engagement at school
- Check in on your child’s attendance at school and/or in class. If they are not in class, they are not learning
- Check on your child’s work completion in PowerSchool and see how they are doing in their daily classes and if they are turning in their work on time.
- Check in with your child’s Assistant Principal or school counselor if your child is struggling in school.
We are looking forward to continuing to support you student(s) in their learning and see how far they will grow in the spring!
Mrs. Leigh Ann Scheuerell, FAHS Principal
12.06.2024 Fall PreACT Scores are IN! (STUDENTS)
Dear FAHS Students,
On Monday, December 9th, you will receive a copy of your fall Practice ACT scores during Homeroom. This will be a very thorough document, giving specific information about your score, question analysis for each specific question and next goals you should work on. Please save this score sheet as it will be used in your english, math and science classes in the upcoming weeks.
The Practice ACT is one measure of your academic progress and gives our teachers a lot of information about what you next need in your learning sequence and helps you practice this type of standardized assessment
A couple things to keep in mind as you review this information:
- Did you do your best on this and give it your full effort?
- The Practice ACT is truly a practice to help you prepare for the Pre-ACT Secure (9th and 10th grade) or ACT (11th grade) you will take in spring
- Combined scores from 9-11th grade students is what is used to calculate our state school report card
Why is this important?
- ACT is no longer a tool used only for college-bound students
- Because ACT is a standard measure across the State, more and more career paths and industries are collecting these scores to make decisions and determinations about future employees, including tech schools and the trades
- Students that do well on the ACT have many more scholarship and program access opportunities
- Although not all post secondary schools require an ACT score anymore, schools still allow you to enter a score if you have one and they do use them to make entry decisions for admittance, especially if a student is put on a waiting list
Things you can do to be more successful:
- Attend school and engage in class
- Stay on top of your homework and work completion by getting things completed on time!
- Focus on your teacher’s small group instruction as it will be specifically designed for you
- Let your school team know what you need to be successful at school
We are looking forward to supporting you in your learning and seeing how far you will grow in the spring!
12.02.2024 December 2024 Family Blackhawk Bulletin
Hello FAHS Students and Families,
Please enjoy this month's family Blackhawk Bulletin! Lots of important and fun events happening as we continue on into quarter 2.
December 2024 Blackhawk Bulletin (english)
December 2024 Blackhawk Bulletin (spanish)
Hope to see you soon!
Mrs. Leigh Ann Scheuerell, FAHS Principal
2023-2024 Communications
05.28.2024 Last Day Schedule and Final Reminders
Good morning FAHS Students, Staff and Families,
Hard to believe we begin the final week of school! So many great memories and learning moments happened this year and it's a great time to reflect back on all the progress we've made.
A few final reminders:- Students, if you've been using a locker, please have it cleaned out no later than Friday, May 31st by noon. All items remaining will be donated to local charities.
- Many classes are holding final projects, presentations and assessments. It's important that all students be in class on time for these final days of school. Staff will be completing their final semester records by 3:00 on Friday, May 31st, so all assignments, makeups and retakes must be completed by then.
- Friday, May 31st is a noon dismissal day. We will NOT be serving lunch. The class schedule is below:
5/31/2024 8 Period Half Day Schedule
7:50 AM - 12:00 PM (27 minute class periods)
1st Period
7:50- 8:17
2nd Period
3rd period
8:54- 9:21
4th Period
5th Period
6th Period
7th Period
8th Period
Thank you for all the great work this year! It's been a privilege being a part of your journey. Whether you are graduating and looking forward to your new adventures or returning for another year together, we wish you all a happy and healthy summer break!
Mrs. Scheuerell, FAHS Principal
05.21.2024 Yearbook Distribution
Dear FAHS Students and Families,
Yearbook distribution for pre-ordered yearbooks will be in the commons Thursday, May 23 during ET and after school. If you did not order a yearbook, a limited supply will be available for sale after school in room G221 on Tuesday, May 28th. The cost is $60. Please have the exact amount of cash or a check made out to FAHS..
NOTE: If you are unsure if you ordered a yearbook: Go to yearbookforever.com, click Fort Atkinson High School, click on orders, and finally click the Help button. When you enter your email it will tell you if you ordered a yearbook for the 2023/2024 school year.
05.16.2024 School Newspaper (The Signal) Edition
A message from our School Newspaper, the Signal!
Enjoy the final edition of the school newspaper for the 2023-2024 year, "School's Out". Please see the link HERE.