453.12 - Concussions


    BOARD POLICY 453.12

    453.12 - Concussions

    The District has developed policy for the purpose of educating athletic coaches, student athletes and their parent(s) or guardian(s) about the nature and risk of concussion and head injury in student athletic activities.

    1.    Prior to the start of a student’s first athletic season of each school year, the Athletic Director will distribute concussion and head injury information to each coach and student athlete who wishes to participate in that student athletic activity. No student may participate in a student athletic activity unless the student signs the information form.  If the student is under the age of 19, a parent or guardian must also sign the form.  All forms are retained by the building athletic department.

    2.   An information form signed during the current year is valid for all athletic activities during that school year. 

    3.   An athletic coach, or official involved in a student athletic activity, or health care provider shall remove a student from the student athletic activity if the coach, official, or health care provider determines that the student exhibits signs, symptoms, or behavior consistent with a concussion or head injury or the coach, official, or health care provider suspects the student has sustained a concussion or head injury.

    4.   A student who has been removed from a student athletic activity as described by #3 may not participate in a student athletic activity until he or she is evaluated by a health care provider and    receives a written clearance to participate in the activity from the health care provider.

    5.  Any athletic coach, official, or volunteer involved in an athletic activity who authorizes a student to participate in a student athletic activity or who fails to remove a student from a student athletic activity is immune from civil liability for any injury resulting from that act/omission unless it constitutes gross negligence or willful or wanton misconduct.


    Legal Ref:         Section 118.293, Wisconsin Statutes


    Cross Ref:        Policy#AR453.12 - Concussions

    Approved:        June 16, 2016


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